Maze of HELL!

Hello! The title is not lying! This maze is fairly challenging and not meant for beginners. Attempt it if you dare! Here is the walkthrough if you need any help along the way.

owner: Hell
rooms(inc. main): 23
link: Maze of Hell

*Please Note: It may appear as if I messed up the order of the rooms when looking at the room titles. However, the rooms are a little out of order in comparison to the room titles. The following sequence below is the order you will go through when doing this maze.*

Room (Main): Maze of Hell [ENTRANCE]

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Tips: Just like many other maze entrances, get across the rollers without touching the floor. Be careful of the rain!

Room (2): [2] Maze of Hell: Slippery Chairs!

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Tips: Find the right chair. There is no trick as all the chairs are exactly the same, so keep trying and you will eventually find the one that will teleport you onwards.

Room (3): [3] Maze of Hell: Bottomless Pit

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Tips: Get across the mats without falling to the floor or stepping on the wrong mat. Click the image above and follow the blue o’s for the correct mat sequence. There is no need to click the floor where the mats are above, just click the mats directly.

Room (4): [4] Maze of Hell: Thick Jungle

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Tips: Get across without stepping on the jungle mats and only sitting on the chairs. Try following a diagonal pattern in the back corner if the chairs allow, as you will have to travel the shortest distance.

Room (5): [5] Maze of Hell: Lazy Tree!

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Tips: Get the tree onto the pressure plate by stepping on the arrow tiles. However, the arrow plates are random, so the tree will move in a random direction.

Room (6): [6] Maze of Hell: Eros Dancing in the Dark

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Tips: Click the lever on the small green crate to trap the Eros statue in-between all of the ducks. Be patient, and press the lever on the small pink crate if you mess up!

Room (7): [7] Maze of Hell: Prison Cell

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Tips: Say the right answers in order to move on and get to the next level. The correct answers, in order, are:
1) Demeter
2) Thomas Edison
3) Singapore
4) Fuchsia

Room (8): [8] Maze of Hell: Lost Balls

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Tips: Get the soccer balls to the correct tiles in order to rotate the gate. Here are the correct matchings:
Tile by Zombie Butler – Blue Game Ball
Tile by Dizziti – Yellow Game Ball
Tile by Valentine’s Duck – Grand Final Ball
Tile by Christmas Duck – Game Ball

Room (9): [9] Maze of Hell: Chairs’ Defense

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Tips: Get to the other side by sitting on the correct chairs. Click the picture above, the chairs with the blue o’s are safe to sit on.

Room (10): [10] Maze of Hell: Checkpoint

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Tips: This is just a simple checkpoint. The password to the room is ‘hellcow‘.

Room (11): [11] Maze of Hell: Cluttered Room

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Tips: Guess the correct furni motto to get to the next level. The correct motto is that of the Banana, which is: ‘No drama with this banana, just good eating! Low Nutrition.

Room (12): [14] Maze of Hell: Combination!

For some reason, the rooms are a little out of order

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Tips: Flick the switches to get the glow balls to the pressure plates. However, they each need to be on a specific plate. Click the picture for the correct combination.

Room (13): [15] Maze of Hell: Poisonous Water

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Tips: The key word here is patience. Once you lose patience, chances are you will have to start over again. This will most likely take you a few tries, so keep calm!

Room (14): [12] Maze of Hell: Zombies’ Curfew

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Tips: Navigate the zombies to their tombstones. Make sure you guide the left zombie to the left tombstone and the right one to the right tombstone. Otherwise, it will not work when you try to open the gate.

Room (15): [13] Maze of Hell: The Poisoned Light

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Tips: Only sit on the chairs when the light is off. This level is VERY hard. I found it the most challenging so far into the maze. I eventually found success by standing next the chairs and clicking them as soon as the light switched from on to off. But you have to be careful that the light will not switch back too fast!

Room (16): [17] Maze of Hell: Race the Timer

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Tips: You need to get to the teleporter before time runs out! There are no cheats to this, you just have to be a fast clicker! And if you’re not, an auto clicker might help!

Room (17): [18] Maze of Hell: Dangerous Mats

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Tips: Get to the other side without touching any of the mats. If you want to ensure your success on the first try, only move when there are no mats 1 space away in any direction from the tile you are moving to.

Room (18): [16] Maze of Hell: Clues, clues

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Tips: Stop the objects by using the switches on the correct pressure plates. Firstly, here are the switches that control which object:
1) Switch to the left: Stops the Campfire
2) Switch in the middle: Stops the Prison Stones
3) Switch to the right: Stops the Head on a Plate
Next, here are the correct placements of the objects:
1) Stop the Campfire in front of the Forest Dragon Lamp
2) Stop the Prison Stones in front of the HC Knight
3) Stop the Head on a Plate in front of the Zombie Butler
Step on the Halo Tile when finished. You have the option to reset by pressing the switch that is not with the other 3.

Room (19): [19] Maze of Hell: Haunted Room

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Tips: You need to open all four of the doors in order to get to the next level. Here’s how:
1) Stand in the Ghosty Mirror
2) Sit on the Haunted Chair that is facing the Pumpkin Lamp
3) Say ‘Ohh haunting…
4) Say ‘Gory Duck

Room (20): [20] Maze of Hell: Brr… Chilly!

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Tips: Sit on the moving benches to get up to the top, but be careful not to fall! You need to sit on the benches when they are touching either wall, but sit on the outside so you prevent it from moving. If you are sitting on a bench that moves, it will cause you to fall.

Room (21): [21] Maze of Hell: Catching Halo

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Tips: In order to go on to the next level, you need to find the hidden halo tile that will teleport you onwards. I was able to find the tile around where the blue ‘o’ is in the picture above. I am assuming the tile is not moving, so also try clicking around this area as well.

Room (22): [22] Maze of Hell: Crazy Highway!

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Tips: Try to get to the end without falling! Use the first 2 switches to rotate the first one-way gate to the direction you want to go. Also, it is important to get to this gate by coming in from the left side of the rollers. By going to the gate with the rollers to the right, you will have to repeat the last level. Next, go through the second one-way gate when it faces you, and proceed to the next level!

Room (23): [23] Maze of Hell: Two Worlds

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Tips: First, you need to push the Puzzle Box to the correct pressure plates in order to move on to the next stage. Click the picture above, the pressure plates marked with a blue ‘o’ are the ones you want to push the Puzzle Box to. For the next part, try to stand on all of the pressure plates in order to open all of the glass doors. However, you are not done yet! You need to teleport to the banzai on the other side of the barriers. However, there is a Banzai Tele behind the barrier that will close the all of the glass doors if you teleport on it, so be careful!

Maze Complete!

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Even though this maze didn’t have a crazy amount of rooms, many of them were very difficult and not meant for beginners. It took me a decent amount of time to complete this, as some levels were very hard to complete on your first try. To try this maze out for yourself or with your friends, click the link below:

Maze of Hell 

Like always, if you have any additional tips I could add to the walkthrough, please comment them! If you have a maze you would like me to check out and do a full walkthrough for, post it in our new Suggestions page, located here! See you next time!

P.S – Happy Pi Day! π

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